'Lost Trades Fair Australia' welcomed "Silhouettes By Hand" Down Under

The Lost Trades Fair Australia was established to present and celebrate rare and lost trades, and the incredible artisans and real makers, their skills, incredible craftsmanship and share their knowledge.  Silhouettes By Hand's artist Lauren Muney was invited to travel from her home of Baltimore, Maryland, USA to Australia - over 24 hours of travel, spread over two days - to demonstrate the rare historical trade of silhouette portraiture. 

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Black silhouette artist and entrepreneur Moses Williams in early America

Moses Williams was an African-American profile cutter in the household of world-renown portrait artist and first museum entrepreneur Charles Willson Peale, in the early 19th century. Moses was initially a slave, the child of slaves who were given to Peale possibly as payment for a portrait. Moses was treated as one of the family, and then manumitted (freed) by Peale in 1802. Moses showed extraordinary skill at creating profile portraits

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Victorian Silhouettes

Many people ask, "Do you create Victorian silhouettes"?
The answer is yes. My silhouette portraits can be considered 'Victorian' silhouettes. I create handmade silhouette portraits that span over 200 years. However here in the United States, we actually didn't have a technical "Victorian" era. We just didn't have Queen Victoria as our Queen, since we weren't British citizens anymore.

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Lauren Muney named in Renowned Traditional Artist Directory

Silhouettes By Hand's Lauren Muney has been named to the Early American Life Magazine's Directory of Traditional Crafts  for both 2013 and 2014, an honor bestowed on a handful of artisans who work in traditional media, styles, and crafts. The Directory presents a selection of the best historically informed handwork in America today.

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